Community Garden Rules

The Kane County Fit for Kids Community Gardens provide gardening space to those who would otherwise not have it, in an effort to reduce childhood obesity by increasing access to affordable fresh fruits & vegetables.

  1. Plot requests are filled according to the order in which the registration forms arrive to the Kane County Health Department & are handed to the front entrance receptionist. Plot assignments will be made on a first come/first serve basis . Check or money order must be included with the application form. If requests cannot be filled, the fee will be refunded. A waiting list will be maintained for applicants for whom no plot was available.
  2. Do not start planting this season until you have your plot assignment from Terry Roman. Plot assignments vary each year, please see the plot assignment map.
  3. Gardeners must maintain plots (including adjacent aisles) throughout the growing season. Gardeners who do not maintain their plots will not be eligible for a plot in the following year.
  4. Garden cleanup must be accomplished by October 31st, 2023. Your vegetables must be harvested by this date, and all supplies must be removed to prepare for rototilling. After this date, volunteers will harvest any remaining vegetables and deliver them to a local food pantry.
  5. Water use is limited to 15 minutes per plot per day. Please help avoid water loss in the aisles and be considerate of other waiting gardeners.
  6. Do not enter, plant, weed, water or harvest any other member’s plot without permission.
  7. Children are welcome at the garden when accompanied and supervised by an adult.  Teach young children to stay on paths.  Parents are encouraged to bring children to the garden and introduce them to the wonders of gardening. Please monitor their behavior and whereabouts at all times.
  8. Keep pets out of other plots. Keep dogs leashed and under your control at all times; clean up after pets.