RFP Submissions

Making Kane County Fit for Kids
Fit For Kids 2020 Plan Implementation Projects

General Purpose

Making Kane County Fit for Kids (Fit for Kids) is making funding available to community organizations to support projects in Kane County that increase physical activity and healthy eating in the various sectors of the community described in the Fit Kids 2020 plan.   

To change the environment in Kane County to be more health-supporting, it is critical that multiple sectors are involved including community groups, education, faith communities, government, healthcare, social service providers, worksites, and more.  Each of these areas represents important components of the overall system that influences the health of Kane County children.

Brief History and Description of the Making Kane County Fit for Kids

In 2008, the Kane County Board launched the Making Kane County Fit for Kids Initiative at the Fit for Kids Leadership Summit.  Following the Summit a public-private partnership, the “Fit for Kids Funders’ Consortium” was established.  In 2017, Making Kane County Fit for Kids became a 501c3 not-for-profit organization.  Organizations with members on the board include Fox Valley United Way, Kane County Division of Transportation, Kane County Health Department, Northwestern Medicine- Delnor, and Rush Copley Foundation.  By combining forces, these partners believe they can most efficiently and effectively raise and disperse funds to support the comprehensive, coordinated; community-based initiatives needed to Make Kane County Fit for Kids and implement the Fit Kids 2020 Plan. As of January 2022, Making Kane County Fit for Kids has made over $885,000 available to community partners to support local efforts to reduce obesity in the community and implement the Fit Kids 2020 Plan.  These funds have been and will continue to be made available to community organizations, municipalities, and coalitions that implement strategies consistent with the Making Kane County Fit for Kids goals.

The Fit Kids 2020 Plan is a strategic plan to reverse childhood obesity in Kane County by 2020 and was published in 2011.  The Fit Kids 2020 Plan represents the work of over 80 community stakeholders, meeting over 6 months, and contributing well over 1,000 hours of volunteer time.  Workgroups dedicated their time to researching, meeting, and discussing potential strategies and action steps.  This process shows the investment and dedication of the participants in the future of Kane County. 

Nine sector-specific Fit Kids 2020 workgroups created this written set of policy-level strategies and action steps.  Implementation of the more than fifty strategies will lead to local systems, policy, and environmental change in Kane County public and private institutions, communities, schools, and families that, together, will assure the conditions for healthy eating and active living are found across Kane County. The Fit Kids 2020 plan can be viewed at:  http://www.makingkanefitforkids.org/site/data/FFK_2020_Plan.pdf

Eligible Applicants

This funding is available to organizations located within Kane County and may include non-profit organizations, schools, and units of local government. Funding is not available for individuals.  Funding will be used exclusively for projects that implement strategies as described in the Fit Kids 2020 Plan that relates to environmental and systems changes that lead to an increase in physical activity and healthy eating.

Project Eligibility

Agreements will be entered with organizations for projects ranging between $500 and $15,000.  At this time Making Kane County Fit for Kids expects the average awards to be around $5,000. 

Applicants must show how system and policy changes will be implemented because of receiving funding.

All projects must include data collection and project impact evaluation. This includes providing data to Fit for Kids that includes: demographic data of the target population served by the grant, participation numbers, and outcome data. Upon execution of the grant agreement, a meeting to discuss data collection must occur within 30 days.

Fit for Kids Representatives will work closely with applicants to assure successes are documented.  In addition to data collection, this will include collecting photographs, stories, and videos of those impacted by the project.   These materials will be utilized to highlight the great work going on in the community to improve health.

Additionally, to be eligible for funding, the organization’s governing board must have reviewed and formally endorsed or adopted the Fit Kids 2020 Plan.  If the organization has not yet endorsed or adopted the Plan, the applicant’s narrative must address the process that is underway for review, and organizational endorsement or adoption must be secured within the first three months of the project period.

Previous Projects

Examples of previous projects that have been funded include:

  • Installation of bike racks to support active transportation
  • Support for community gardens to increase community engagement and access to healthy food
  • Purchase of coolers to allow better access to fresh produce
  • Procurement of kitchen equipment to support healthy eating and cooking education
  • Installation of street signage and pedestrian timers to support safe, active transportation
  • Installation of playground equipment to support physical activity
  • Purchase of heart rate monitors to support more moderate to vigorous physical activity in PE

Check www.makingkanefitforkids.org for additional examples.

Review Criteria

Applications that meet eligibility requirements and are received by Friday, May 26, 2023, will be evaluated on a competitive basis according to the criteria listed below. 

Fit Kids 2020 PrioritiesPriority will be given to projects that effectively contribute to the strategies outlined in the Fit Kids 2020 Plan.
Evaluation and Assessment  Priority will be given to projects that are ready to proceed or face the fewest obstacles that could prevent their timely completion.  Factors considered under this criterion will include whether or not the applicant has obtained site control and the appropriate zoning, and the extent to which environmental issues might hinder the completion of the project. Extra consideration will be given to projects that provide direct or indirect matching funds and/or leverage other funding sources.  
Project ReadinessPriority will be given to projects that are ready to proceed or face the fewest obstacles that could prevent their timely completion.  Factors considered under this criterion will include whether or not the applicant has obtained site control and the appropriate zoning, and the extent to which environmental issues might hinder completion of the project. Extra consideration will be given to projects that provide direct or indirect matching funds and/or leverage other funding sources.  
Community Impact/UrgencyPriority consideration will be given to projects expected to have the greatest beneficial impact on high-risk or at-risk populations, including low-income and racial/ethnic minority populations.  
Sustainability/Lasting ChangePriority will be given to projects that are ready to proceed or face the fewest obstacles that could prevent their timely completion.  Factors considered under this criterion will include whether or not the applicant has obtained site control and the appropriate zoning, and the extent to which environmental issues might hinder the completion of the project. Extra consideration will be given to projects that provide direct or indirect matching funds and/or leverage other funding sources.  

Submission Requirements

Applications for Fit for Kids funds must be submitted electronically using the forms provided in this packet.  In addition to the required forms, a number of supporting documents are required.  (An application checklist is provided at the end of the application packet for reference purposes.) 

Applicants should be certain to properly complete and submit all required application materials, as insufficient data could reduce the competitiveness of an otherwise eligible project. 

Applications for Making Kane County Fit for Kids funds are due by 4:30 PM on May 26th, 2023.

Please submit an electronic copy of the completed application to FedorSidney@KaneCountyIL.gov.  Making Kane County Fit for Kids reserves the right to request additional information regarding any application submitted.

For Further Assistance

The staff of the Kane County Health Department and Fit for Kids are available to answer questions regarding application procedures, project eligibility requirements, and Making Kane County Fit for Kids in general. 

Please contact Sidney Fedor, Community Health Practitioner, at FedorSidney@KaneCountyIL.gov for further assistance. 

2023 Application

Application Information
Project Funding

Attach a budget for the project. Include all project expenses and funding sources. Indicate the status of each funding source (i.e. yet to apply, application pending, funding committed, etc.).

Fit for Kids Grant Project Goals Grid and Questionnaire
(Provide a general statement explaining the problem/opportunity the project will address and identify the benefits of implementing the project)

Project Goal(s)

Each goal will have at least one method and measure.

In addition to completing the grid above, please provide short answers to the questions below.

Project Questions

Organization Questions

Application Checklist

In order to be considered for funding, applicants should submit a properly completed application form, the applicable questionnaire, and a variety of supporting documents, depending on the type of project or program proposed. A checklist of the required documents for each type of activity is provided below.

Applicant Certification

Applicant certifies that they have read and fully understand the guidelines that govern the Making Kane County Fit for Kids 2023 grant program. Applicant further certifies that all information furnished in/with this application is true and complete to the best of Applicant's knowledge and belief. If any information provided herein changes following the submission of this application, Applicant agrees to notify Fit for Kids, immediately. Applicant acknowledges that Fit for Kids may verify any information contained in/with this application, and submission of this application shall constitute Applicant's authorization for Fit for Kids to complete such verification as it deems necessary to determine the accuracy of this application and its suitability for funding. Applicant understands and agrees that if false information is provided in/with this application, which has the effect of increasing Applicant's advantage, Fit for Kids may disqualify this application and deem Applicant ineligible to receive any funds in the future. Applicant understands that Fit for Kids retains the right to reject any and all applications, and, in its sole determination, to waive minor irregularities. Applicant acknowledges by execution of this application that Fit for Kids will make such determinations with the fullest discretion allowable by law. Applicant will at all times indemnify and hold harmless Fit for Kids against all losses, costs, damages, expenses and liabilities of any nature directly or indirectly resulting from, arising out of, or relating to the Fit for Kids acceptance, consideration, approval, or disapproval of this application and the issuance or non-issuance of funds herewith. Applicant further certifies that they do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, handicap or national origin; and that they are duly authorized by board resolution to cause this document to be executed.